I bring 25 years of experience working with people to feel integrated and resourced in their bodies, so they can be deeply connected to their wisdom and purpose.

I feel passionate about meeting you on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. That’s why I work with a combination of modalities to assist in a transformational journey that aligns the vertical & horizontal.

The prayer I hold is to co-creatively find our unique balance between:

+ Soul/Heaven {Higher Self qualities + our connection to Source = Clarity}

+ Soma/Body {The Integrative Path of our Wholeness = Presence}

+ Earth {The Relational Field + Plant Queendom = Nourishment}

My Medicine Bag

Experience & Education Background

  • We connect your relationship to heaven through your soul/higher self


    Integrating Energy Medicine {Hands-On & Distance}, Akashic Record & Medical Intuitive Readings

    Reiki Level 1-3 2000-2002

    Auric Reading 1999-2005

    Chakra Balancing 1999-2004

    Kriya Meditation with Swami Shankaranada 2010-2014

    Mindfulness Meditation Practices 1999-2023

    Medical Intuitive Training 2011-2013

    Mediumship with Janet Cyford 2011-2015

    Arcturian Healing Level 1-2 & Spoon Bending with Gen Ang PhD 2015-2016

    Akashic Record Reading with Anna Sayce 2017 and Self Studied through the guidance of meditation practice 2015-2023

  • We create an intersection of heaven and earth through the body


    Combining deep tissue, myofascial, bone listening & structural integration.

    Baltimore School of Massage 1998-99, 500 HR Licensed Massage Therapist L# M01939, NCBTMB

    Potomac School of Massage 2014, 200 HR Structural & Myofascial Certification

    Teaching Assistant in Massage Therapy Program 2003-2004

    Applied Kinesiology 2011-12

    Advanced Training in Anatomy & Physiology 2004-2014

    Continuing Education in Cranial Sacral, Neuromuscular, Medical Massage & Visceral Manipulation

  • We create an intersection of heaven and earth through the body


    Integrating Shiatsu, Thai Massage, TCM & Zen Principles

    Aromapoint Therapy {Essential Oils + Acupoints & Body Regions = Potent Medicine}

    Baltimore School of Massage 2000-01. 620 HR Certification. Shiatsu/Asian Bodywork Therapist.

    Teaching Assistant in 500 HR Shiatsu Certification Program 2003

    On-going Continuing Education in Chinese Medicine: Jhin Shin Do, Addictions, Treating Emotional & Mental Disharmonies, Chi Nei Sung, Cupping, Moxa, Guasha, & Hara, Tongue and Pulse Assessments.

    We connect your relationship to earth through essential oils, herbs & plant wisdom.

    Aromapoint Therapy: Level I & II with Peter Holmes & Tiffany Carol. 2015-2018

    Healing Oil Collective 2018-2019

    Treating Mental & Emotional Disharmonies with EO’s. 2015

    Mater Healer Program: Trauma through the lens of Chinese Medicine, Native American Medicine & Shamanism - using Aroma-Point Therapy for trauma related disharmonies. 2016-2017

  • We connect your relationship to earth through essential oils, herbs & plant wisdom.


    Connecting with Plants through Essential Oils

    + Nutritional, Herbal & Supplement Support & Food Energetics

    Food Energetics 2001-2005

    AA Health Science 2009

    Clinical Practice incorporating Nutritional, Herbal & Supplement Support 2011-2020

    Aroma Point Therapy + Deep dive into communicating with plant consciousness 2015-2023

  • We deepen our presence & understanding of our humanity through the relational web.


    Authentic Relating + Core Energetics Principles

    Circling & Games 2017

    Level 1-4 Authentic Relating 2021-24

    Core Energetics 2018 Year 1 with the Wisdom House

    Hakomi Principles with A. Schneider

    Embodied Somatic Exploration - Is a name that came to me while in the experiential practice of weaving bodywork, psychic-somatic “work”, within the framework of mindfulness based communication and exploration of somatic sensations.


  • Physical Level: chronic pain, sciatica, whiplash & spinal dysfunctional patterns; including neck, shoulder pain, thoracic outlet syndrome, lumbar pain. Autoimmune conditions, mold exposure, candida, systemic inflammation, chronic fatigue syndrome. Pre and post surgical preparation for hip and shoulder replacement and extensive dental work.

    Wholistic Perspective: An overall quality of nervous system regulation that allows your body to reach homeostasis. A feeling of connectivity between body parts and seeing the pain sensations as messengers to listen to.

    Mental Level: Anxiety, depression, rumination & brain fog.

    Wholistic Perspective: Tools for creating greater mental ease with practices within your reach and resetting the nervous system to assist balancing the mind-body connection.

    Key Tools Used: A deep exploration of identifying higher, lower self qualities and masks from Core Energetic Principles to help discharge trauma in the body thus impacting access to the fuller range of living a more meaning life. Using Aroma Point Therapy for balancing mental-emotional imbalances from a Chinese Medicine perspective.

    Spiritual Level: Clarity on purpose, past life themes, patterns of the past that are creating blockages in the present that want to be acknowledged and transformed.

    Wholistic Perspective: Honing of your intuition for resourcing and deep knowing. Establishing a connection to boundaries, getting in touch with your yes and no barometer.

    Emotional Level: Grief, anger, long standing sadness, worry & fear based emotions.

    Wholistic Perspective: Honoring all emotions, giving them room to be expressed. Creating space for enthusiasm towards life and the vast spectrum of joy, happiness & love.

    Other: Trauma: Developmental & Shock Trauma, sexual violation & domestic violence.

  • All sessions begin before we meet. I value the multidimensional aspects of being human, therefore tuning into your energy field to receive impressions that can be tended to during our time helps to create a level of deeper understanding as to what is arising and what wants to be acknowledged.

    In-Person sessions normally are 1-1.5 hours long. We make time for you to share what you’re experiencing, your needs/goals, somatic exploration for you to connect to a deeper level of self and whatever modality we choose is best for you will be offered.

    In the days following our session, I invite you to check in with me about what you’re noticing. Especially if something emerges that feels uncomfortable, symptomatic or something that feels like it wants to be expressed.

    People have shared that they experience:

    • A deeper level of relaxation and connectivity to their body and their life.

    • Whatever pain they tend to walk in with, on some level feels tended to and they leave feeler lighter, brighter and empowered to trust their own understanding as to why the body is responding in this way and that in time these things will transform.

  • I have been in practice for 25 years. The majority of the people that I’ve worked with have been repeat clients for many years. The relationship that we build has helped me to be an active support person for others in need. My clients are part of my extended family. And my dedication to empowering them to live healthier, fuller lives is part of my love language to them.

    I have my own personal journey with illness, trauma and challenges that allow me to weave in having direct expereince while supporting another.

    This has taken form through an autoimmune condition, toxic mold exposure, chronic fatigue, & experiencing deep grief from loved ones departing this earth. (To name a few)

    I often find that the struggles that I have faced has helped me fine tune how I can assist others in their own healing journey.

  • Those that have less financial means for various reasons can benefit from these offerings at a lower cost.

  • At the age of seven I declared that I wanted to be a “healer”. I have had a deep knowing of my purpose in this lifetime. I chose the healing arts path at the age of 18 where I joyfully dedicated my time and energy studying, practicing and experiencing the intimate 1:1 container for 24 years.

    I value being present for others in their time of need and co-creating a space where we explore together what feels practical and wise for each individual.

    I am dedicated to be a life long student. I have taken countless programs, continuing education and workshops in service of refining my personal medicine of presence. I value blending science with spirituality, “clinical” data with the experiential.

    I am a lover of food, fragrance, the spirit world, earth based practices, using plants as allies and tending to our relationships in service to connecting to our wholeness, and honoring the rule of reciprocity.

  • “Each session I have has a unique and meaningful impact on my life. I often see her when I’m struggling with something. She helps me to tune in to my experience on different levels, especially through the body, and the awareness can feel cathartic and profound. She is a skilled guide and companion for these inward journeys that deepen self awareness and insight.”

    — Christy W.

  • “She brings her gifts of incredible intuition, gentleness, clarity, kindness, empathy, and sense of humor, among others. Sessions with Soteria feel very supportive, and I always leave with shifts in perspective that allow me to experience life in new ways.”

    — Christy

  • “I am more connected to my body, noticing the position I’m in. I slept really well even without medication”

    — Maia M.